Saving Brinton needs your help
to contend for an Oscar!

Saving Brinton is Academy Award eligible and beloved by critics, "celebratory and poignant" (New York Times), "endearing" (LA Times), "a revelatory homage" (Washington Post)—perhaps the first film since Field of Dreams to embrace Iowa and rise to this level!

But this Iowa-shot feature documentary by Iowa City filmmakers Tommy Haines, John Richard and Andrew Sherburne can only compete with the big money from Netflix, Amazon and HBO through grassroots community support.

Your tax-deductible contribution of $100, $500 or more will help our Iowa film team accomplish three big things to influence award voters:

  • Host a Los Angeles screening as part of the prestigious IDA Screening Series, announcing the film as a legitimate contender
  • Host a New York City screening open to Academy voters, guild members and other industry influenceers
  • Put a screening package in the hands of all 400+ voting members of the Academy's documentary branch

Watch the theatrical trailer, visit the official film website or check in with Saving Brinton on Facebook to connect further. The film team can be reached directly at .

OUR GOAL: 50 supporters at $100 or more by 9/12/18.

Click below to make a tax-deductible donation through our 501c3 fiscal sponsor FilmScene. We'll send you link to stream the film now, before it's official release! Thanks for helping Iowa take Hollywood.